Dyno Sky Story

About Me

I’m not an elite climber. On my best days, I tackle 5.10s. I don't sport the latest climbing brands, and my climbing shoes have well-worn holes in the big toes. What you see is what you get: a passionate climber who loves the sport for its purest joys and challenges.

Life has thrown more than a few curveballs my way and my stubborn nature means I've often had to learn lessons the hard way. I've stumbled, fallen, and sometimes I rub people the wrong way. Through it all, I've come to understand the value of persistence and the importance of embracing imperfections.

Chris and I getting up a FFA

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is that life is short and precious. Despite the rough patches, I've discovered the beauty in savoring every moment and finding joy, even when times are tough. It's a lesson that has reshaped how I approach each day and how I connect with others.

Today, I am deeply humbled and grateful. I’ve realized that to truly enjoy life, I needed to stop creating unnecessary chaos and start focusing on what genuinely matters. This journey of self-discovery and growth has been transformative, and I’m thankful for every step along the way.

What I offer here is a chance to bring some joy into the world and share a passion for climbing with you. In the turbulent ocean of life, climbing has been my one constant, helping me navigate countless changes and challenges.

Without climbing, I might have self-destructed long ago. Dyno Sky is my way of sharing this passion and giving back to the community that has given me so much.

Thank you for being a part of this journey. Together, let's celebrate the highs, navigate the lows, and find joy in every climb.

Welcome to Dyno Sky – An Evolution of Design!

The Dyno Sky story begins with a broken heart.

A journey that began not in the glossy pages of fairy tales but in the raw, unfiltered experiences of real people navigating the complexities of love and loss.

In 2019 my world shattered when I experienced a painful separation from my life and climbing partner of 10 years. As I navigated the depths of heartache and loneliness, I sought solace yet again in the vertical world of climbing.

Venturing into the local climbing gym became my refuge, a sanctuary where I could escape the weight of my heavy grief and find moments of peace amidst the chaos in my mind.

Climbing served (and still does) as the greatest form of therapy for me, a way to channel my emotions and find a sense of purpose amid the uncertainty. With each ascent, I discovered a newfound strength within — a resilience that I never knew I possessed.

But it wasn't just the act of climbing that transformed my life; it was the community I found within the walls of the gym.

Seeds Of Healing 

Surrounded by fellow climbers who shared my passion for the sport, I found myself drawn into a tight-knit group of friends who welcomed me with open arms.

We all seemed to be seeking something greater than ourselves and a synergistic bond formed over a relatively short period of time. Together, we conquered challenging routes, celebrated life's victories, and supported each other through the inevitable setbacks. Through our shared love of climbing, I forged deep and meaningful connections that helped me heal and grow in ways I never thought possible.

We even came up with a fun and silly name for our group: The Dyno City Boyz

The Dyno City Crew left to right: Sean, Benji, Rudy. Lauren, Bennett & Stu


A Community of Climbers

During C-19 pandemic we forged deep friendships while training on my home wall that we built together because the local gym was closed for months! Those were some challenging but very special and memorable times. I shall cherish those days forever.

Wisdom was constantly telling me to really appreciate these times together because in my heart I knew the truth: people go on with their lives and eventually we won't be together any longer.

This photo was taken at our final home wall session before I had to move away....

An Unexpected Love

Amidst life's twists and turns, there exists a profound and universal truth: love has the power to heal even the deepest of wounds. At my core, I believe in this transformative magic, for I have witnessed its wonder countless times. Little did I know, I was about to witness the power of love once more.

Even though I'd found love and support through my amazing group of friends, I couldn't help but sense that I have a lot to offer the right person should I ever be fortunate enough to find them.

After a few years I began to doubt I'd ever experience sharing a good life with anyone again.

I had failed and disappointing attempts at modern, online dating and discovered what a minefield it is trying to connect on a deeper level.

I'd almost given up completely when in the summer 2022 I found a fateful and magical love! I've finally found someone who believes in me and inspires the very best in me.

Niki and I hiking in Castle Valley, Utah 

New Beginnings

As our love for each other became deeper, our journey eventually led us to relocate to a new town (Tucson, Az.), bidding farewell to the friends who had become my rock. Yet, even in absence, our friendship continues to inspire me daily. Drawing upon our shared experiences and unwavering support, I channel our camaraderie into creating products that celebrate the spirit of adventure and the power of community.

Today, Dyno Sky's products serve as a tribute to the friendships forged on the many challenging walls we all share as climbers—a reminder that even in the face of separation and change, the bonds we form with others have the power to uplift, inspire, and enrich our lives in ways we never imagined possible.

Our Promise to You

Whether you're a seasoned alpinist or a beginner boulderer, you'll find a place among us. We celebrate diversity, inclusivity, and the shared experiences that make climbing such a special endeavor.

When you choose Dyno Sky, you're not just buying clothes; you're investing in a lifestyle. We promise to continually innovate and keep pace with the evolving needs of the climbing community. We promise to support you every step of the way, from your first climb to your greatest achievements.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. Together, let's reach new heights!

Climb on,

Bennett Musick

Founder, Dyno Sky